By this time, I have met all my classes and things are looking good. Your task now is to get into "student" mode by getting your books as soon as possible. We will start using them next week. For the rest of this week, I will be giving you a diagnostic reading test. You will need a scantron and a #2 pencil. I will have scantrons from the Learning Center available for sale, but it's cheaper to buy your own. I also strongly recommend that you try to find a used copy of our text, Introduction to Critical Reading by McCrainey.
Be sure to finish your lab work for week #1 by Saturday night. Do all the links marked "lessons".
For my classes meeting MWF, I will be missing class on Friday, February 27; I have a conference that I need to attend. For my T-TH classes I may also be missing on Tuesday March 2. More information later.