Saturday, January 9, 2010

E-Mail Questions From Students

On Jan 8, 2010, at 9:30 PM, A--- wrote:

Dear Professor,

I am trying to check if there is any way i can check if i did any of assignments when i log into the lab work. For example i do not want to do an assignment if i already did it, is there any way i can check that or do i just have to remember.


Hi A---,

Students can't look up their scores individually. I give you feed back once a week on Mondays at the link: .Your scores are saved in a private file, then on the weekend, I paste them in an excel file, strip out the scores and post them at Check back next Monday.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Winter English 190 Students

Classes start Monday, January 4 for the Monday-Thursday 10:30AM class. Classes meet for 6 weeks. We will have no school on Monday, January 18, Martin Luther King Day. If you wish to add my class, please show up on the first day. Enrolled students who don't show up the first day of class will be dropped and replaced by added students. If there are too many students and not enough seats, additional students will be selected by lottery.