Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer 2008 Reading Students

Welcome Summer English 190 students. If you have attempted to register and found that the class is closed, please see me on the first day of class in AD242 and I will add students to my class up to the number of chairs I have available. If you are enrolled, be sure to show up the first day, or I will give someone else your seat.

This semester is very short (only 5 weeks, M-F) and class will go by very quickly, so you must GET YOUR BOOKS as soon as possible. If you have my old English 188 text, Introduction to Critical Reading, by McCraney, we will be using the same text, but with different passages. You'll need to buy or download a new English 190 Syllabus , which you must fill in as we work the class and turn in at the end. See more about how to get your books on the class web page . This semester, you will be required to read an outside recreational reading book and do a book report according to my particular standards. We will discuss this in the second week.